Warner Bros. Animation has dropped a brand new Suicide Squad Isekai trailer for its newest anime series, which gives highlight to King Shark and his uncontrollable appetite.
“DC’s Harley Quinn, the Joker, and The Suicide Squad rampage onto the stage of Isekai in the new original anime series from Warner Bros. Japan and Wit Studio, Suicide Squad Isekai,” reads the series’ logline.
The Suicide Squad Isekai trailer gives the spotlight to fan-favorite DC character King Shark’s upcoming anime debut.
What happens in the Suicide Squad Isekai trailer?
♡7/5 放送開始♡TVアニメ「異世界スーサイド・スクワッド」キャラクターPV【キング・シャーク】 / short intro to King Shark in #SuicideSquadISEKAI