The Canadian comic actor, star of Schitt’s Creek, American Pie and numerous Christopher Guest movies, is jokingly referred to as the “honorary mayor” of Pacific Palisades, where he has lived with his wife Deborah Devine since they acquired a $2.4 million home in 2006.
The actor, who recently separated from Jennifer Lopez for a second time, reportedly acquired a $20.5m “bachelor pad” between Brentwood and Pacific Palisades last July, according to The Daily Mail.
The LA Clippers basketball star acquired a $17 million mansion in the area in 2021, buying it from Hollywood producer Ryan Kavanaugh.
The beloved star and his well-known actress wife acquired a sprawling mansion in Pacific Palisades in 2010 for $26m, the property sitting on 1.5 acres of ground and featuring four bedrooms, five bathrooms, a large pool and its own theatre.