While Harley Quinn had no backstory in Batman: The Animated Series, Paul Dini eventually wrote a comic which told us that Harley Quinn had previously been Harleen Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum who had been assigned to the Joker, but was eventually fell in love with him, or was driven crazy by him, or both.
Paul Dini was the lead writer for Batman: The Animated Series, the place where Harley Quinn was born 25 years ago, and he’s got two words to describe Margot Robbie’s portrayal of his creation: “nailed it.”
While The Joker has been part of Batman’s history since 1940, his sidekick/girlfriend Harley Quinn was an entirely original creation of Batman: The Animated Series when it debuted in 1992.
Paul Dini could be one of the toughest critics of any performance of Harley Quinn, but he tells ComicBook.com that he loves everything about what Margot Robbie has done with the character.